Bijoux & Or
Depuis 1987
Osprey Paris est reconnu pour son intégrité et professionnalismeDepuis 1987, Osprey Paris est reconnu pour son intégrité et professionnalisme. Plus de cent mille clients nous ont fait confiance pour les fournir en bijoux neufs ou anciens ou à racheter leurs bijoux. Nous fabriquons des bijoux sur mesure et nous réparons et expertisons les bijoux anciens et modernes.
Osprey Paris
Bagues de fiançailles
Un vaste choix pour vousDepuis 1987 nous mettons notre expérience au service des couples dans le choix, conception et fabrication des bagues de fiançailles. Que ce soit une bague ancienne, soigneusement choisi pour son charme et restaurée dans notre atelier, ou une bague toute neuve faite dans les règles de la haute joaillerie, Osprey est là pour vous.

Osprey Paris
Une Expertise de confiance
Osprey est reconnu pour son expertise en bijoux anciensOsprey est reconnu pour son expertise en bijoux anciens, gemmes et numismatique. Grâce à nos diplômés de Gemmologie, c'est avec passion du bijou et des pierres précieuses qu'Osprey rachète vos bijoux.

Customers' opinion
I would like to say thank you for the fast and pleasant service. I will not fail to recommend the oscrey serviceAmélie Bosse
Customers' opinion
I didn't think it would be so easy to sell the jewellery that we no longer wore. It was very practical and I was able to buy some additional gifts for Christmas.Nathalie Pigache
Customers' opinion
I would like to say thank you for the fast and pleasant service. I will not fail to recommend the oscrey serviceAmélie Bosse
Customers' opinion
I didn't think it would be so easy to sell the jewellery that we no longer wore. It was very practical and I was able to buy some additional gifts for Christmas.Nathalie Pigache
Notre nouvelle collection
Notre boutique en ligne met à votre disposition des bijoux haut-de-gammes aux meilleurs prix.
Osprey Paris
Nous rachatons vos bijouxGrâce à nos diplômés de Gemmologie, c'est avec passion du bijou et des pierres précieuses qu'Osprey rachète vos bijoux. Img
Nous achetons vos bijoux, anciens, moderns, même cassés, dans notre magasin en plein centre de Paris.
Notre boutique en ligne met à votre disposition des bijoux haut-de-gammes aux meilleurs prix.

Osprey Paris
Nos guides sur l'or
La revente d’or est devenue ces dernières années très attractive, c’est un métal qui reste une valeur sûre.Bespoke jewellery creation
Osprey creates with you the jewel of your dreams. Engagement ring, pendant, bracelet... We guide you in the design of your jewel.
How to distinguish gold jewellery from gold-plated jewellery?
Find in this guide some methods to distinguish a gold jewel from a gold-plated jewel quickly and efficiently.
Find a good gold buyback store
How do I find a good gold buyback store? Find some tips to resell your gold at the best price in a reliable gold buyback store.
How to buy a diamond ring
Let Osprey guide you to find the diamond ring of your dreams.
Sell your Louis d’or
The gold Louis is certainly the most famous French coin. It was struck with the effigy of the 4 kings of France: Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV
Know your finger size
Here are some practical tips for knowing your finger size.
Resell gold: How to proceed?
With the current economic climate, more and more people are turning to reselling gold. But before taking the plunge, it is important to find out
Jewellery valuation: appraisal service
Have your jewellery appraised by a company specializing in this field: Osprey, obtain an exact estimate thanks to the work of our experts
How to know the carat of your gold jewellery
Discover the different methods to know the carat of your gold jewellery. Find tips and professional resources.
How to choose a ring
Whatever the event or the person for whom you have decided to buy a ring, you must choose the right model
Know the value of gold
Do you want to buy or sell a jewel, coin or other gold object? It is important to inform yourself about the value of your gold.
The Osprey Gold Buyback Process
Discover our procedures in the purchase of your gold jewellery. Resell your gold serenely in the Osprey gold redemption shops.
Buying gold coins
You want to buy gold coins but you need advice to make the right choice.
The different colours of gold
Gold has several colours. What is the difference between these different colours? Find all the answers in our guide.